Community Education on Death, Dying and Loss with CEDAR Education CIC
In a longitudinal study from 2014-16, participant observation was conducted with groups of 10-24 year olds as they learned to explore the meanings associated with death and dying through a brand new training programme developed by CEDAR Education CIC (Community Education in Death Awareness and Resources). CEDAR Education CIC has constructed lessons and workshops to assist people in understanding the importance of communication about the subject of death, dying and loss and assists people to find appropriate ways to communicate and support each other.
This extensive study observed, analysed and recorded data which was used to report on this brand new training for young people supported by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group and West Mercia PCC. Further investigation into adults and professionals participating in the training was also researched as part of this on-going study.
To read the latest paper with the results of the investigation into the importance of Death Education for Young People, published by Healthwatch Shropshire Follow the link highlighted below:
Is Death Education Important for Young People? Wester, J & Walker, K (2017)
Some of the very first responses recorded showing participants from Shropshire Young Health Champions who attended the ‘Life Lessons’ and ‘Good Grief’ workshops that were held by Thanatologist Dr Judith Wester are here in this short film
Offering a form of support and a resource to people who need further knowledge or education on the subject of Death, CEDAR Education CIC trains anyone who may be having to deal with loss or grief in order to help themselves, and/or help others. In CEDAR Education CIC ‘Life Lessons’ workshops participants are able to discover tools and methods which they can use in their daily lives. The workshops observed are part of an investigation into participants first-hand experiences and responses to the training given, and data gathered is used to explore whether CEDAR Education CIC’s objectives are being met and provides evidence of the importance of death education and the impact this is having.
To read more about this project see the CEDAR CIC Website: