
‘Public perception of psychological services professional titles’ published in the journal ‘Titles in Counselling and Psychotherapy Research: Linking research with practice’ ,Volume 10, Issue 4, 2010, p 258-267 by authors P. Kanellakis (consultant psychologist, Staffordshire NHS) and D’Aubyn, J.

The research was conducted to investigate public opinion on the differentiation between professional titles used such as a ‘counsellor’ and ‘psychotherapist’.  450 members of the public in 57 UK district codes were the total amount of people interviewed in the research.  The results from the study showed that approximately two thirds of the public perceive a professional title such as ‘counsellor’ to be distinct from other titles such as  ‘psychotherapist’ and ‘psychological therapist’ with the last two titles perceived to be almost identical.

‘The Emotional Labour of a Care Worker : A Social Psychoanalytic study of emotions and the influences upon them from the social world’ By K. Walker MA FRAI

Abstract - ‘Within organisational situations, where service is provided to customers there can be demands placed upon employees to express required emotions towards clients in order to display a certain company image.  Through such emotionally laborious work social structures may be seen to constrain personal appraisal and emotions, without removing a sense of agency.  Previous researchers of emotional labour have argued over whether emotional responses are made due to evolutionary factors or whether we feel emotions due to social influences and such studies are discussed and evaluated.  For this project a Social psychoanalytic perspective is adopted with the aim to discover how care workers in a residential home adapt their own emotions in order to meet clients’ needs (and the needs of the organisation they work for) with the intention of discovering how social identity and emotion interrelate.  Through social psychoanalysis of recorded interviews participant’s dynamic conflicting subconscious is examined to identify the profound influences anxiety has upon the self, which can affect actions inadvertently.  The results favour the assumption that emotional labour in the service industry has a detrimental effect upon a person and is affected by social obligations individuals have to meet as part of their job specification.’

'Scribble Head' by Hannah Golding Artist

‘Scribble Head’ by Hannah Golding Artist


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